Ribbon-Cutting Held for the Second Avenue Commons 24/7 Homeless Shelter in Downtown Pittsburgh

On September 29th and 30th, DLA+ attended the ribbon-cutting and open house for Second Avenue Commons, a low-barrier homeless shelter that's the first of its kind in Pennsylvania. The shelter, when it opens its doors later this month, will provide 24/7 access to those experiencing homelessness in Allegheny County. The shelter will serve adults and their partners, pets, and possessions, while also providing healthcare and other resources. Building features include a full commercial kitchen and dining room, laundry and hygiene facilities, a UPMC-serviced and staffed Physical and Behavioral Health Clinic, as well as client storage, pet wash area, and staff support areas. The facility is meant to provide sanctuary, support and resources to enable individuals to transition to greater self-sufficiency and a better quality of life.

The DLA+ Design Team with representatives from PJ Dick, the project's contractor, at the Second Avenue Commons Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony on September 29, 2022
DLA+ is proud to be part of the public-private partnership of civic, corporate, and local community leaders who came together to make this project happen for our community, including ACTION-Housing, Inc., Pittsburgh Mercy and Operation Safety Net, PNC, UPMC, Highmark Inc., Allegheny County Department of Human Services, and many others

DLA+'s Principal-in-Charge, Nick Doichev, and Shannon Baron, Project Manager, at the Second Avenue Commons Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony on September 29, 2022
DLA+ Architecture & Interior Design
M/E/P Engineer - McKim & Creed
IT Consultant - Ceeva, Inc.
Civil Engineer - KAG Engineering
Landscape Architect - J. Frank Studios
Survey/Geotechnical Engineer - The Gateway Engineers
Owner's Representative:
PJ Dick
For more about this project and the detail that went into the planning and design over the past three years, visit: